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Apache Pulsar

Apache Pulsar source connector


Source connector for Apache Pulsar.

Key features


nametyperequireddefault value

topic [String]

Topic name(s) to read data from when the table is used as source. It also supports topic list for source by separating topic by semicolon like 'topic-1;topic-2'.

Note, only one of "topic-pattern" and "topic" can be specified for sources.

topic-pattern [String]

The regular expression for a pattern of topic names to read from. All topics with names that match the specified regular expression will be subscribed by the consumer when the job starts running.

Note, only one of "topic-pattern" and "topic" can be specified for sources.

topic-discovery.interval [Long]

The interval (in ms) for the Pulsar source to discover the new topic partitions. A non-positive value disables the topic partition discovery.

Note, This option only works if the 'topic-pattern' option is used. [String]

Specify the subscription name for this consumer. This argument is required when constructing the consumer.

client.service-url [String]

Service URL provider for Pulsar service. To connect to Pulsar using client libraries, you need to specify a Pulsar protocol URL. You can assign Pulsar protocol URLs to specific clusters and use the Pulsar scheme.

For example, localhost: pulsar://localhost:6650,localhost:6651.

admin.service-url [String]

The Pulsar service HTTP URL for the admin endpoint.

For example,, or for TLS.

auth.plugin-class [String]

Name of the authentication plugin.

auth.params [String]

Parameters for the authentication plugin.

For example, key1:val1,key2:val2

poll.timeout [Integer]

The maximum time (in ms) to wait when fetching records. A longer time increases throughput but also latency.

poll.interval [Long]

The interval time(in ms) when fetcing records. A shorter time increases throughput, but also increases CPU load.

poll.batch.size [Integer]

The maximum number of records to fetch to wait when polling. A longer time increases throughput but also latency.

cursor.startup.mode [Enum]

Startup mode for Pulsar consumer, valid values are 'EARLIEST', 'LATEST', 'SUBSCRIPTION', 'TIMESTAMP'.

cursor.startup.timestamp [Long]

Start from the specified epoch timestamp (in milliseconds).

Note, This option is required when the "cursor.startup.mode" option used 'TIMESTAMP'.

cursor.reset.mode [Enum]

Cursor reset strategy for Pulsar consumer valid values are 'EARLIEST', 'LATEST'.

Note, This option only works if the "cursor.startup.mode" option used 'SUBSCRIPTION'.

cursor.stop.mode [String]

Stop mode for Pulsar consumer, valid values are 'NEVER', 'LATEST'and 'TIMESTAMP'.

Note, When 'NEVER' is specified, it is a real-time job, and other mode are off-line jobs.

cursor.stop.timestamp [Long]

Stop from the specified epoch timestamp (in milliseconds).

Note, This option is required when the "cursor.stop.mode" option used 'TIMESTAMP'.

schema [Config]

The structure of the data, including field names and field types. reference to Schema-Feature

format [String]

Data format. The default format is json, reference formats.

common options

Source plugin common parameters, please refer to Source Common Options for details.


source {
Pulsar {
topic = "example" = "seatunnel"
client.service-url = "pulsar://localhost:6650"
admin.service-url = ""
plugin_output = "test"


Change Log
[Improve] restruct connector common options (#8634)
[Improve][dist]add shade check rule (#8136)
[Feature][Restapi] Allow metrics information to be associated to logical plan nodes (#7786)
[Improve][API] Make sure the table name in TablePath not be null (#7252)
[Feature][Kafka] Support multi-table source read (#5992)
[PulsarSource]Improve pulsar throughput performance. (#6234)
[Feature][Connector-v2][PulsarSink]Add Pulsar Sink Connector. (#4382)
[Chore] Remove useless DeserializationFormatFactory and its implement (#5880)
fix: update IDENTIFIER = Pulsar for pulsar-datasource on project:seatunnel-web (#5852)
[Improve][Common] Introduce new error define rule (#5793)
Support config column/primaryKey/constraintKey in schema (#5564)
[Improve][CheckStyle] Remove useless 'SuppressWarnings' annotation of checkstyle. (#5260)
[Hotfix] Fix to seatunnel shade one (#5284)
[Feature][Json-format] support read format for pulsar (#4111)
[hotfix][pulsar] Fix the bug that can't consume messages all the time. (#4125)
[Feature] add cdc multiple table support & fix zeta bug
[hotfix][pulsar] PulsarSource consumer ack exception. (#4237)
Merge branch 'dev' into merge/cdc
[Improve][Project] Code format with spotless plugin.
[Improve][Connector-v2][Pulsar] Set the name of the pulsar consumption thread. (#4182)
[improve][api] Refactoring schema parse (#4157)
[Improve][build] Give the maven module a human readable name (#4114)
[Improve][Project] Code format with spotless plugin. (#4101)
[Bug][Connector-v2][PulsarSource]Fix pulsar option topic-pattern bug. (#3989)
[Feature][Connector] add get source method to all source connector (#3846)
[Feature][API & Connector & Doc] add parallelism and column projection interface (#3829)
[Improve][Connector-V2][Pulsar] Unified exception for Pulsar source &… (#3590)
[Hotfix][OptionRule] Fix option rule about all connectors (#3592)
[Hotfix][Connector-V2][Pulsar] fix conditional options (#3504)
[Feature][Connector][pulsar] expose configurable options in Pulsar (#3341)
[Connector][Dependency] Add Miss Dependency Cassandra And Change Kudu Plugin Name (#3432)
[chore] fix pulsar consumer comment error (#3356)
[Connector-V2][ElasticSearch] Add ElasticSearch Source/Sink Factory (#3325)
[hotfix][connector][pulsar] Fix not being able to mark #noMoreNewSplits when restoring (#2945)
Move Handover to common module (#2877)
[hotfix][connector-v2] fix pulsar source exceptions (#2820)
[#2606]Dependency management split (#2630)
[SeaTunnel]Simply seatunnel package pipeline. (#2563)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Pulsar support user-defined schema (#2436)
[improve][UT] Upgrade junit to 5.+ (#2305)
StateT of SeaTunnelSource should extend Serializable (#2214)
[doc][connector-v2] pulsar source options doc (#2128)
[api-draft][Optimize] Optimize module name (#2062)