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JDBC Oracle Source Connector


Read external data source data through JDBC.

Support Those Engines

SeaTunnel Zeta

Key Features

supports query SQL and can achieve projection effect.

Supported DataSource Info

DatasourceSupported VersionsDriverUrlMaven
OracleDifferent dependency version has different driver

Database Dependency

  1. You need to ensure that the jdbc driver jar package has been placed in directory ${SEATUNNEL_HOME}/plugins/.
  2. To support the i18n character set, copy the orai18n.jar to the $SEATUNNEL_HOME/plugins/ directory.

For SeaTunnel Zeta Engine

  1. You need to ensure that the jdbc driver jar package has been placed in directory ${SEATUNNEL_HOME}/lib/.
  2. To support the i18n character set, copy the orai18n.jar to the $SEATUNNEL_HOME/lib/ directory.

Data Type Mapping

Oracle Data TypeSeaTunnel Data Type
NUMBER(precision <= 9, scale == 0)INT
NUMBER(9 < precision <= 18, scale == 0)BIGINT
NUMBER(18 < precision, scale == 0)DECIMAL(38, 0)
NUMBER(scale != 0)DECIMAL(38, 18)

Source Options

urlStringYes-The URL of the JDBC connection. Refer to a case: jdbc:oracle:thin:@datasource01:1523:xe
driverStringYes-The jdbc class name used to connect to the remote data source,
if you use Oracle the value is oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.
userStringNo-Connection instance user name
passwordStringNo-Connection instance password
queryStringYes-Query statement
connection_check_timeout_secIntNo30The time in seconds to wait for the database operation used to validate the connection to complete
partition_columnStringNo-The column name for parallelism's partition, only support numeric type,Only support numeric type primary key, and only can config one column.
partition_lower_boundBigDecimalNo-The partition_column min value for scan, if not set SeaTunnel will query database get min value.
partition_upper_boundBigDecimalNo-The partition_column max value for scan, if not set SeaTunnel will query database get max value.
partition_numIntNojob parallelismThe number of partition count, only support positive integer. default value is job parallelism
fetch_sizeIntNo0For queries that return a large number of objects,you can configure
the row fetch size used in the query toimprove performance by
reducing the number database hits required to satisfy the selection criteria.
Zero means use jdbc default value.
propertiesMapNo-Additional connection configuration parameters,when properties and URL have the same parameters, the priority is determined by the
specific implementation of the driver. For example, in Oracle, properties take precedence over the URL.
table_pathStringNo-The path to the full path of table, you can use this configuration instead of query.
mysql: "testdb.table1"
oracle: "test_schema.table1"
sqlserver: "testdb.test_schema.table1"
postgresql: "testdb.test_schema.table1"
table_listArrayNo-The list of tables to be read, you can use this configuration instead of table_path example: [{ table_path = "testdb.table1"}, {table_path = "testdb.table2", query = "select * id, name from testdb.table2"}]
where_conditionStringNo-Common row filter conditions for all tables/queries, must start with where. for example where id > 100
split.sizeIntNo8096The split size (number of rows) of table, captured tables are split into multiple splits when read of table.
split.even-distribution.factor.lower-boundDoubleNo0.05The lower bound of the chunk key distribution factor. This factor is used to determine whether the table data is evenly distributed. If the distribution factor is calculated to be greater than or equal to this lower bound (i.e., (MAX(id) - MIN(id) + 1) / row count), the table chunks would be optimized for even distribution. Otherwise, if the distribution factor is less, the table will be considered as unevenly distributed and the sampling-based sharding strategy will be used if the estimated shard count exceeds the value specified by sample-sharding.threshold. The default value is 0.05.
split.even-distribution.factor.upper-boundDoubleNo100The upper bound of the chunk key distribution factor. This factor is used to determine whether the table data is evenly distributed. If the distribution factor is calculated to be less than or equal to this upper bound (i.e., (MAX(id) - MIN(id) + 1) / row count), the table chunks would be optimized for even distribution. Otherwise, if the distribution factor is greater, the table will be considered as unevenly distributed and the sampling-based sharding strategy will be used if the estimated shard count exceeds the value specified by sample-sharding.threshold. The default value is 100.0.
split.sample-sharding.thresholdIntNo10000This configuration specifies the threshold of estimated shard count to trigger the sample sharding strategy. When the distribution factor is outside the bounds specified by chunk-key.even-distribution.factor.upper-bound and chunk-key.even-distribution.factor.lower-bound, and the estimated shard count (calculated as approximate row count / chunk size) exceeds this threshold, the sample sharding strategy will be used. This can help to handle large datasets more efficiently. The default value is 1000 shards.
split.inverse-sampling.rateIntNo1000The inverse of the sampling rate used in the sample sharding strategy. For example, if this value is set to 1000, it means a 1/1000 sampling rate is applied during the sampling process. This option provides flexibility in controlling the granularity of the sampling, thus affecting the final number of shards. It's especially useful when dealing with very large datasets where a lower sampling rate is preferred. The default value is 1000.
decimal_type_narrowingBooleanNotrueDecimal type narrowing, if true, the decimal type will be narrowed to the int or long type if without loss of precision. Only support for Oracle at now. Please refer to decimal_type_narrowing below
common-optionsNo-Source plugin common parameters, please refer to Source Common Options for details


Decimal type narrowing, if true, the decimal type will be narrowed to the int or long type if without loss of precision. Only support for Oracle at now.


decimal_type_narrowing = true

NUMBER(1, 0)Boolean

decimal_type_narrowing = false

NUMBER(1, 0)Decimal(1, 0)
NUMBER(6, 0)Decimal(6, 0)
NUMBER(10, 0)Decimal(10, 0)

Parallel Reader

The JDBC Source connector supports parallel reading of data from tables. SeaTunnel will use certain rules to split the data in the table, which will be handed over to readers for reading. The number of readers is determined by the parallelism option.

Split Key Rules:

  1. If partition_column is not null, It will be used to calculate split. The column must in Supported split data type.
  2. If partition_column is null, seatunnel will read the schema from table and get the Primary Key and Unique Index. If there are more than one column in Primary Key and Unique Index, The first column which in the supported split data type will be used to split data. For example, the table have Primary Key(nn guid, name varchar), because guid id not in supported split data type, so the column name will be used to split data.

Supported split data type:

  • String
  • Number(int, bigint, decimal, ...)
  • Date


How many rows in one split, captured tables are split into multiple splits when read of table.


Not recommended for use

The lower bound of the chunk key distribution factor. This factor is used to determine whether the table data is evenly distributed. If the distribution factor is calculated to be greater than or equal to this lower bound (i.e., (MAX(id) - MIN(id) + 1) / row count), the table chunks would be optimized for even distribution. Otherwise, if the distribution factor is less, the table will be considered as unevenly distributed and the sampling-based sharding strategy will be used if the estimated shard count exceeds the value specified by sample-sharding.threshold. The default value is 0.05.


Not recommended for use

The upper bound of the chunk key distribution factor. This factor is used to determine whether the table data is evenly distributed. If the distribution factor is calculated to be less than or equal to this upper bound (i.e., (MAX(id) - MIN(id) + 1) / row count), the table chunks would be optimized for even distribution. Otherwise, if the distribution factor is greater, the table will be considered as unevenly distributed and the sampling-based sharding strategy will be used if the estimated shard count exceeds the value specified by sample-sharding.threshold. The default value is 100.0.


This configuration specifies the threshold of estimated shard count to trigger the sample sharding strategy. When the distribution factor is outside the bounds specified by chunk-key.even-distribution.factor.upper-bound and chunk-key.even-distribution.factor.lower-bound, and the estimated shard count (calculated as approximate row count / chunk size) exceeds this threshold, the sample sharding strategy will be used. This can help to handle large datasets more efficiently. The default value is 1000 shards.


The inverse of the sampling rate used in the sample sharding strategy. For example, if this value is set to 1000, it means a 1/1000 sampling rate is applied during the sampling process. This option provides flexibility in controlling the granularity of the sampling, thus affecting the final number of shards. It's especially useful when dealing with very large datasets where a lower sampling rate is preferred. The default value is 1000.

partition_column [string]

The column name for split data.

partition_upper_bound [BigDecimal]

The partition_column max value for scan, if not set SeaTunnel will query database get max value.

partition_lower_bound [BigDecimal]

The partition_column min value for scan, if not set SeaTunnel will query database get min value.

partition_num [int]

Not recommended for use, The correct approach is to control the number of split through split.size

How many splits do we need to split into, only support positive integer. default value is job parallelism.


If the table can not be split(for example, table have no Primary Key or Unique Index, and partition_column is not set), it will run in single concurrency.

Use table_path to replace query for single table reading. If you need to read multiple tables, use table_list.

Task Example


This example queries type_bin 'table' 16 data in your test "database" in single parallel and queries all of its fields. You can also specify which fields to query for final output to the console.

# Defining the runtime environment
env {
parallelism = 4
job.mode = "BATCH"
Jdbc {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@datasource01:1523:xe"
driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
user = "root"
password = "123456"

transform {
# If you would like to get more information about how to configure seatunnel and see full list of transform plugins,
# please go to

sink {
Console {}

parallel by partition_column

Read your query table in parallel with the shard field you configured and the shard data You can do this if you want to read the whole table

env {
parallelism = 4
job.mode = "BATCH"
source {
Jdbc {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@datasource01:1523:xe"
driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
connection_check_timeout_sec = 100
user = "root"
password = "123456"
# Define query logic as required
# Parallel sharding reads fields
partition_column = "ID"
# Number of fragments
partition_num = 10
properties { = "false"
sink {
Console {}

parallel by Primary Key or Unique Index

Configuring table_path will turn on auto split, you can configure split.* to adjust the split strategy

env {
parallelism = 4
job.mode = "BATCH"
source {
Jdbc {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@datasource01:1523:xe"
driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
connection_check_timeout_sec = 100
user = "root"
password = "123456"
table_path = "DA.SCHEMA1.TABLE1"
query = "select * from SCHEMA1.TABLE1"
split.size = 10000

sink {
Console {}

Parallel Boundary:

It is more efficient to specify the data within the upper and lower bounds of the query It is more efficient to read your data source according to the upper and lower boundaries you configured

source {
Jdbc {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@datasource01:1523:xe"
driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
connection_check_timeout_sec = 100
user = "root"
password = "123456"
# Define query logic as required
partition_column = "ID"
# Read start boundary
partition_lower_bound = 1
# Read end boundary
partition_upper_bound = 500
partition_num = 10

Multiple table read:

Configuring table_list will turn on auto split, you can configure `split.` to adjust the split strategy*

env {
job.mode = "BATCH"
parallelism = 4
source {
Jdbc {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@datasource01:1523:xe"
driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
connection_check_timeout_sec = 100
user = "root"
password = "123456"
#where_condition= "where id > 100"
split.size = 10000
#split.even-distribution.factor.upper-bound = 100
#split.even-distribution.factor.lower-bound = 0.05
#split.sample-sharding.threshold = 1000
#split.inverse-sampling.rate = 1000

sink {
Console {}


Change Log
[Fix][Connector-V2] Fix parse SqlServer JDBC Url error (#8784)
[Improve][Jdbc] Support upsert for opengauss (#8627)
[Improve][Jdbc] Remove useless utils. (#8793)
[Improve][Jdbc] Improve catalog connection cache (#8626)
[Fix][Connector-V2] Fix jdbc sink statement buffer wrong time to clear (#8653)
[Feature][Jdbc] Support sink ddl for dameng (#8380)
[Improve] restruct connector common options (#8634)
[Improve][Jdbc] Remove oracle 'v$database' query (#8571)
[Fix][Connector-V2] Postgres support for multiple primary keys (#8526)
[Feature][JDBC source] pg support char types (#8420)
[Feature][Jdbc] Support sink ddl for postgresql (#8276)
[Feature][Connector-V2] Support the jdbc connector for highgo db (#8282)
[Improve][Jdbc] Support nvarchar in dm (#8270)
[Improve][Connector-v2] Use regex to match filedName placeholders in jdbc sink (#8222)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Support read comment when jdbc dialect without catalog (#8196)
[Improve][Connector-V2] The interface supports jdbc respects the target database field type (#8031)
[Improve][dist]add shade check rule (#8136)
[Improve][Jdbc] Improve ddl write validate (#8158)
[Feature][Jdbc] Add Jdbc default dialect for all jdbc series database without dialect (#8132)
[Improve][Jdbc] Refactor ddl change (#8134)
[Feature][Core] Rename result_table_name/source_table_name to plugin_input/plugin_output (#8072)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Improve schema evolution on column insert after for mysql-jdbc (#8017)
[Feature][Core] Support cdc task ddl restore for zeta (#7463)
[Feature][transform] transform support explode (#7928)
[Feature][Connector-v2] Support schema evolution for Oracle connector (#7908)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Improve jdbc merge table from path and query when type is decimal (#7917)
[Fix][Connector-V2] Fix hana type loss of precision (#7912)
[Feature][Connector-V2] Jdbc DB2 support upsert SQL (#7879)
[Improve][Jdbc] Optimize index name conflicts when create table for postgresql (#7875)
[Improve][Jdbc] Support postgresql inet type. (#7820)
[Fix][Connector-V2]Oceanbase vector database is added as the source server (#7832)
[Feature][connector-v2]Support opengauss jdbc connnector using opengauss driver. (#7622)
[Improve][Jdbc] Support save mode for the sink of jdbc-dm (#7814)
[Feature][Restapi] Allow metrics information to be associated to logical plan nodes (#7786)
[Feature][Connector-V2] SqlServer support user-defined type (#7706)
[Hotfix][CDC] Fix ddl duplicate execution error when config multi_table_sink_replica (#7634)
[Feature][Connector-Paimon] Support dynamic bucket splitting improves Paimon writing efficiency (#7335)
[Fix][Connector-V2] Fix jdbc test case failed (#7690)
[Improve][Jdbc] Jdbc truncate table should check table not database (#7654)
[Feature][Connector-V2] jdbc saphana source tablepath support view and synonym (#7670)
[Fix][Connector-v2] Throw Exception in sql query for JdbcCatalog in table or db exists query (#7651)
[Fix][JDBC] Fix starrocks jdbc dialect catalog conflict with starrocks connector (#7578)
[Feature] Support tidb cdc connector source #7199 (#7477)
[bugfix] fix oracle query table length (#7627)
[Hotfix][Connector-v2] Fix the NullPointerException for jdbc oracle which used the table_list (#7544)
[Improve][Connector-v2] Support mysql 8.1/8.2/8.3 for jdbc (#7530)
[Improve][Connector-v2] Release resource in closeStatements even exception occurred in executeBatch (#7533)
[Fix][Connector-V2] Fix jdbc query sql can not get table path (#7484)
[Feature][Connector-V2] Add decimal_type_narrowing option in jdbc (#7461)
[Improve][Connector-V2] update vectorType (#7446)
[Improve][API] Move catalog open to SaveModeHandler (#7439)
[FIX][E2E]Modify the OceanBase test case to the latest imageChange image (#7452)
[Feature][Connector-V2][OceanBase] Support vector types on OceanBase (#7375)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Remove system table limit (#7391)
[Fix] Fix oracle sample data from column error (#7340)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Close all ResultSet after used (#7389)
[Hotifx][Jdbc] Fix MySQL unsupport 'ZEROFILL' column type (#7407)
[Improvement] add starrocks jdbc dialect (#7294)
[Hotfix][Connector] Fix jdbc compile error (#7359)
[Fix][Connector-V2][OceanBase] Remove OceanBase catalog's dependency on mysql driver (#7311)
[Improve][Jdbc] Skip all index when auto create table to improve performance of write (#7288)
[Improve][Jdbc] Remove MysqlType references in JdbcDialect (#7333)
[Improve][Jdbc] Merge user config primary key when create table (#7313)
[Improve][Connector-v2] Optimize the way of databases and tables are checked for existence (#7261)
[Feature][Jdbc] Support hive compatibleMode add inceptor dialect (#7262)
[Improve][Connector-v2] Optimize the count table rows for jdbc-oracle and oracle-cdc (#7248)
[Feature][Core] Support using upstream table placeholders in sink options and auto replacement (#7131)
[Fix] Fix Hana type converter decimal scale is 0 convert to int error (#7167)
[Improve][Jdbc] Support write unicode text into sqlserver (#7159)
[Improve][Jdbc] Remove user info in catalog-table options (#7178)
[Improve][connector-v2-jdbc-mysql] Add support for MySQL 8.4 (#7151)
[Feature][Connector-V2] Support jdbc hana catalog and type convertor (#6950)
[Improve] Change catalog table log to debug level (#7136)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Support schema evolution for mysql-cdc and mysql-jdbc (#6929)
[connector-jdbc][bugfix] fix sqlServer create table comment special string bug (#7024)
[bugfix] fix pgsql create table comment special string bug (#7022)
[connector-jdbc][bugfix] fix oracle create table comment special string bug (#7012)
[bugfix] fix mysql create table comment special string bug (#6998)
[Improve][Jdbc]sink sql support custom field.(#6515) (#6525)
[Feature][Jdbc] Support redshift catalog (#6992)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Clean key name in catalog table (#6942)
[Improve][Zeta] Move SaveMode behavior to master (#6843)
[Improve][Jdbc] Quotes the identifier for table path (#6951)
[Hotfix][Jdbc] Fix oracle savemode create table (#6651)
[Improve][JDBC Source] Fix Split can not be cancel (#6825)
[Feature][Doris] Add Doris type converter (#6354)
[Hotfix][Jdbc/CDC] Fix postgresql uuid type in jdbc read (#6684)
[Improve][Connector] Add some sqlserver IDENTITY type for catalog (#6822)
[Feature][Jdbc] Support the jdbc connector for InterSystems IRIS (#6797)
[Fix][MySQL]: Fix MySqlTypeConverter could not be instantiated (#6781)
[Hotfix][Jdbc] Fix table/query columns order merge for jdbc catalog (#6771)
[Fix] Fix Oracle type converter handle negative scale in number type (#6758)
[Improve][mysql-cdc] Support mysql 5.5 versions (#6710)
[Improve][Jdbc] Add quote identifier for sql (#6669)
[Improve][Jdbc] Increase tyepe converter when auto creating tables (#6617)
[feature][connector-v2] add xugudb connector (#6561)
[Hotfix] Fix DEFAULT TABLE problem (#6352)
[Improve] Improve MultiTableSinkWriter prepare commit performance (#6495)
[Improve][JDBC] Optimized code style for getting jdbc field types (#6583)
[Improve] Add SaveMode log of process detail (#6375)
[Improve][Jdbc] Support custom case-sensitive config for dameng (#6510)
feat: jdbc support copy in statement. (#6443)
[Improve][Jdbc] Using varchar2 datatype store string in oracle (#6392)
[Improve][API] Unify type system api(data & type) (#5872)
Fix Jdbc sink target table name error (#6269)
[Improve][JDBC] Use PreparedStatement to sample data from column (#6242)
[Improve][JDBC-sink] Improve query Approximate Total Row Count of a Table (#5972)
[Feature][JDBC、CDC] Support Short and Byte Type in spliter (#6027)
[Improve] Support int identity type in sql server (#6186)
[Bugfix][JDBC、CDC] Fix Spliter Error in Case of Extensive Duplicate Data (#6026)
[Feature][Connector-V2][Postgres-cdc]Support for Postgres cdc (#5986)
Add date type and float type column split support (#6160)
[Improve] Extend SupportResourceShare to spark/flink (#5847)
[Feature] Support uuid in postgres jdbc (#6185)
[Feature][Connector-V2][Oracle-cdc]Support for oracle cdc (#5196)
[Feature][Connector] update pgsql catalog for save mode (#6080)
[Hotfix][Jdbc] Fix dameng catalog query table sql (#6141)
[improve][catalog-postgres] Improve get column sql compatibility (#5664)
[Feature][Connector] update oracle catalog for save mode (#6092)
[Feature][Connectors-V2][Jdbc] Supports Sqlserver Niche Data Types (#6122)
[Improve][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Shade hikari in jdbc connector (#6116)
[Feature][Connector] update sqlserver catalog for save mode (#6086)
[Feature][Connector-V2][PostgresSql] add JDBC source support string type as partition key (#6079)
[Hotfix][Jdbc] Fix jdbc setFetchSize error (#6005)
Support using multiple hadoop account (#5903)
[Feature] Add unsupported datatype check for all catalog (#5890)
[Hotfix][Split] Fix split key not support BigInteger type
[Improve] Replace SeaTunnelRowType with TableSchema in the JdbcRowConverter
[Hotfix][Jdbc] Fix cdc updates were not filtering same primary key (#5923)
[Improve]Change System.out.println to log output. (#5912)
[Bug] Fix Hive-Jdbc use krb5 overwrite kerberosKeytabPath (#5891)
Reduce the time cost of getCatalogTable in jdbc (#5908)
[Improve] Improve Jdbc connector error message when datatype unsupported (#5864)
[Improve] Rename getCountSql to getExistDataSql (#5838)
[Fix] Fix read from Oracle Date type value lose time (#5814)
[Improve][JdbcSource] Optimize catalog-table metadata merge logic (#5828)
[Improve][Common] Introduce new error define rule (#5793)
[Feature][Hive JDBC Source] Support Hive JDBC Source Connector (#5424)
[Improve] Remove use SeaTunnelSink::getConsumedType method and mark it as deprecated (#5755)
[Improve][Connector] Add field name to DataTypeConvertor to improve error message (#5782)
[Feature][Oracle] Support XMLTYPE data integration #5716 (#5723)
[Fix] Fix Postgres create table test case failed (#5778)
[Improve][Jdbc] Fix database identifier (#5756)
[Fix] Fix PG will not create index when using auto create table #5721
[Improve] Remove all useless prepare, getProducedType method (#5741)
[feature][connector-jdbc]Add Save Mode function and Connector-JDBC (MySQL) connector has been realized (#5663)
[Bug][connector-jdbc] Nullable Column source have null data could be unexpected results. (#5560)
[Improve] Add default implement for SeaTunnelSink::setTypeInfo (#5682)
[BUG][Connector-V2][Jdbc] support postgresql xml type (#5724)
[Improve][E2E][Jdbc] Enable IT case for Oceanbase Mysql mode (#5697)
[Feature][Jdbc] Support read multiple tables (#5581)
[Feature] Support multi-table sink (#5620)
[Improve] Remove catalog tag for config file (#5645)
[Feature][Jdbc] Supporting more ways to configure connection parameters. (#5388)
[Feature][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Add OceanBase catalog (#5439)
[BUGFIX][Catalog] oracle catalog create table repeat and oracle pg null point (#5517)
Support config column/primaryKey/constraintKey in schema (#5564)
[Improve] Refactor CatalogTable and add SeaTunnelSource::getProducedCatalogTables (#5562)
[Feature][Jdbc] Add Dameng catalog (#5451)
[Feature] Add tidb datatype convertor (#5440)
[Feature][Connector-V2] jdbc connector supports Kingbase database (#4803)
[Feature][Catalog] Catalog add Case Conversion Definition (#5328)
[Feature][Jdbc] Jdbc database support identifier (#5089)
[Improve][Connector-v2][Jdbc] Refactor AbstractJdbcCatalog (#5096)
[Improve][CheckStyle] Remove useless 'SuppressWarnings' annotation of checkstyle. (#5260)
[Hotfix] Fix to seatunnel shade one (#5284)
[bug][jdbc][oracle]Fix the Oracle number type mapping problem (#5209)
[BUG][Connector-V2][Jdbc] support postgresql json type (#5194)
[Improve][Connector-V2] Remove scheduler in JDBC sink #4736 (#5168)
[CI] Split updated modules integration test for part 5 (#5208)
[Bug][connector-v2] PostgreSQL versions below 9.5 are compatible use cdc sync problem (#5120)
[Improve][Connector-v2][Jdbc] check url not null throw friendly message (#5097)
[Feature][Catalog] Add JDBC Catalog auto create table (#4917)
[Feature][CDC] Support tables without primary keys (with unique keys) (#163) (#5150)
[Hotfix][Connector][Jdbc] Fix the problem of JdbcOutputFormat database connection leak (#4802)
[Feature][JDBC Sink] Add DM upsert support (#5073)
[Improve] Improve savemode api (#4767)
[Feature][Connector-V2] JDBC source support string type as partition key (#4947)
[Feature][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Add oceanbase dialect factory (#4989)
Fix XA Transaction bug (#5020)
[Improve][CDC]Remove driver for cdc connector (#4952)
[Improve] Documentation and partial word optimization. (#4936)
[Improve][Connector-V2][Jdbc-Source] Support for Decimal types as splict keys (#4634)
[Bugfix][zeta] Fix the deadlock issue with JDBC driver loading (#4878)
[Hotfix][Jdbc] Fix XA DataSource crash(Oracle/Dameng/SqlServer) (#4866)
[Feature][Connector-v2] Add Snowflake Source&Sink connector (#4470)
[Hotfix][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Fix the error of extracting primary key column in sink (#4815)
[Hotfix][Connector][Jdbc] Fix reconnect throw close statement exception (#4801)
[Hotfix][Connector][Jdbc] Fix sqlserver system table case sensitivity (#4806)
[Hotfix][Jdbc][Oracle] Fix oracle sql table identifier (#4754)
[Improve][Jdbc] Populate primary key when jdbc sink is created using CatalogTable (#4755)
[Feature][PostgreSQL-jdbc] Supports GEOMETRY data type for PostgreSQL… (#4673)
[Improve][Core] Add check of sink and source config to avoid null pointer exception. (#4734)
[Hotfix][JDBC-SINK] Fix TiDBCatalog without open (#4718)
[Feature][E2E] Add mysql-cdc e2e testcase (#4639)
[Hotfix][JDBC Sink] Fix JDBC Sink oom bug (#4690)
Improve the option rule for jdbc sink (#4694)
[feature][catalog] Support for multiplexing connections (#4550)
[Bugfix][Jdbc-Mysql Mysql-CDC] Fix MySQL BIT type incorrectly converted to Boolean type (#4671)
[Hotfix]Jdbc[SqlServer] Fix sqlserver jdbc url parse (#4697)
Revert "[Improve][Catalog] refactor catalog (#4540)" (#4628)
[Feature][Connector][Jdbc] Add DataTypeConvertor for JDBC-Postgres (#4575)
[Improve][Catalog] refactor catalog (#4540)
[Bug][JDBC Source] fix split exception when source table is empty (#4570)
[Feature][Connector][Jdbc] Add vertica connector. (#4303)
[Hotfix][Catalog] Filter out unavailable constrain keys (#4557)
[Hotfix][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Simple sql has the highest priority (#4548)
[Improve][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Jdbc source supports factory SPI (#4264)
[Jdbc][Chore] improve the exception message when primary key not found in row (#4474)
[hotfix][JDBC] Fix the table name is not automatically obtained when multiple tables (#4514)
[Chore][Jdbc] add the log for sql and update some style (#4475)
[Hotfix][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Set default value to false of JdbcOption: generate_sink_sql (#4471)
[feature][jdbc][TiDB] add TiDB catalog (#4438)
[Hotfix][Connector] Fix sqlserver catalog (#4441)
[Feature][CDC][SqlServer] Support multi-table read (#4377)
[Improve][JdbcSink]Fix connection failure caused by connection timeout. (#4322)
[Hotfix][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Field aliases are not supported in the query of jdbc source. (#4158) (#4210)
Change file type to file_format_type in file source/sink (#4249)
Change redshift type to lowercase (#4248)
Add redshift datatype convertor (#4245)
[improve][zeta] fix zeta bugs
[Improve] Support MySqlCatalog Use JDBC URL With Custom Suffix
[hotfix] fixed jdbc IT error
Merge branch 'dev' into merge/cdc
[Improve][Project] Code format with spotless plugin.
[improve][jdbc] use ReadonlyConfig instead of Config (#4236)
[Improve][Jdbc-sink] add database field to sink config (#4199)
[improve][jdbc] Reduce jdbc options configuration (#4218)
Fix mysql get default value (#4204)
[hotfix][zeta] fix zeta multi-table parser error (#4193)
[Improve] Remove AUTO_COMMIT To Optional In JDBC OptionRule (#4194)
[Improve][Connector-V2] [StarRocks] Starrocks Support Auto Create Table (#4177)
[improve][catalog][jdbc] Add MySQL catalog factory (#4168)
[Improve][build] Give the maven module a human readable name (#4114)
Add convertor factory (#4119)
Add ElasticSearch catalog (#4108)
Add Kafka catalog (#4106)
[Improve][Project] Code format with spotless plugin. (#4101)
Add DataTypeConvertor in Catalog (#4094)
[Feature][Catalog] Support create/drop table, create/drop database in catalog (#4075)
[Bug][Connector-V2][Jdbc] Fixed no exception throwing problem (#3957)
[Bug][CDC] Fix jdbc sink generate update sql (#3940)
[Improve][JDBC] improve jdbc sink option (#3864)
Fix Source Class Support Parallelism judge & Add UT for it (#3878)
[Feature][Connector] add get source method to all source connector (#3846)
[Feature][Connector-V2] Jdbc connector support SAP HANA. (#3017)
[Feature][API &amp; Connector &amp; Doc] add parallelism and column projection interface (#3829)
[Improve][JDBC Connector]improve option rule (#3802)
[Hotfix][Jdbc Sink] fix xa transaction commit failure on pipeline restore (#3809)
[Improve][Connector-V2][JDBC] Add exactly-once for JDBC source connector (#3750)
[Improve][Connector-v2] Remove unused options for jdbc source factory (#3794)
[Feature][Connector-jdbc] Fix JDBC Connector Throw Exception Error. (#3796)
[hotfix][ST-Engine] fix jdbc connector exactly-once null pointer (#3730)
[Improve][connector-jdbc] Add config item enable upsert by query (#3708)
[Hotfix][connector-v2] fix SemanticXidGenerator#generateXid indexOutOfBounds #3701 (#3705)
[Hotfix][Connector-V2][jdbc] fix jdbc connection reset bug (#3670)
[Improve][Connector-V2][JDBC] Unified exception for JDBC source & sink (#3598)
[Connector][JDBC]Support Redshift sink and source (#3615)
[Improve][Connectors-V2][jdbc] Adapts to multiple versions of Flink #3589
[Hotfix][OptionRule] Fix option rule about all connectors (#3592)
[Feature][Connector-V2][Doris]Add Doris Source & Sink connector (#3586)
[Feature][Connector-V2][Teradata] Add Teradata Source And Sink Connector
[Feature][Connector-V2][JDBC] support sqlite Source & Sink (#3089)
Bump postgresql in /seatunnel-connectors-v2/connector-jdbc (#3559)
[feature][connector][cdc] add SeaTunnelRowDebeziumDeserializeSchema (#3499)
[JDBC][ORACLE] Improve Oracle Type to SeaTunnel Type Mapping (#3486)
[JDBC][Config] Add JDBC Fetch Size Config And Custom Postgres PrepareStatement (#3478)
[feature][connector][jdbc] expose configurable options in JDBC (#3410)
[feature][connector][jdbc] Support write cdc changelog event in jdbc sink (#3444)
[Improve][Connector-v2][Jdbc] Add AutoCommit to jdbcConfig (#3453)
[Improve][Connector-v2] Unset AutoCommit default to true (#3451)
[Feature][connector-v2] add tablestore source and sink (#3309)
Close jdbc connection after use. (#3358)
[Improve][Engine] Improve Engine performance. (#3216)
[Bug][Connector-V2][JDBC]fix jdbc split bug (#3220)
[Feature][Connector-V2][JDBC] Support DB2 Source & Sink (#2410)
update org.postgresql:postgresql 42.3.3 to 42.4.1 (#3097)
[Feature][Connector-V2][Jdbc] support gbase 8a (#3026)
[Bug][sqlserver] timestamp convert exception (#3024)
[Feature][Connector-V2] oracle connector (#2550)
[Improve][Connector-v2][jdbc] Support for specify number of partitions when parallel reading (#2950)
[Feature][Connector-V2] add sqlserver connector (#2646)
[Improve][e2e] Unified e2e IT for DaMengDB (#2946)
[Improve][e2e] modify DM-driver by downLoad and add the value comparison of all columns (#2772)
[Improve][e2e] Improve jdbc driver management (#2770)
[hotfix][connector][jdbc] fix JDBC split exception (#2904)
[Improve][connector-jdbc] Calculate splits only once in JdbcSourceSplitEnumerator (#2900)
[Feature][Connector-V2 E2E] Add mysql and postgres e2e test and bug fix (#2838)
fix XAConnection being wrongly submitted (#2805)
fix spark execute exception is not thrown (#2791)
[Improve][e2e] Add driver-jar to lib (#2719)
[DEV][Api] Replace SeaTunnelContext with JobContext and remove singleton pattern (#2706)
[Connector-V2][JDBC-connector] support Jdbc dm (#2377)
[#2606]Dependency management split (#2630)
[Bug][connector-jdbc-v2] Fix transaction force commit when autoCommit is enabled (#2636)
[Feature][Connector-V2] Add phoenix connector sink (#2499)
[Connector-V2][JDBC] Support database: greenplum (#2429)
Add jdbc connector e2e test (#2321)
StateT of SeaTunnelSource should extend Serializable (#2214)
update the condition to 1 = 0 about get table operation (#2186)
[SeaTunnel API][Sink] remove useless context field (#2124)
[bugfix] Check isOpen before closing (#2107)
[API-DRAFT][MERGE] fix merge error
merge dev to api-draft
[api-draft][Optimize] Optimize module name (#2062)