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Version: 2.3.9

Transform Common Options

This is a process of intermediate conversion between the source and sink terminals,You can use sql statements to smoothly complete the conversion process


The old configuration name source_table_name/result_table_name is deprecated, please migrate to the new name plugin_input/plugin_output as soon as possible.

plugin_outputStringNo-When plugin_input is not specified, the current plugin processes the data set (dataset) output by the previous plugin in the configuration file;
When plugin_input is specified, the current plugin is processing the data set corresponding to this parameter.
plugin_inputStringNo-When plugin_output is not specified, the data processed by this plugin will not be registered as a data set that can be directly accessed by other plugins, or called a temporary table (table);
When plugin_output is specified, the data processed by this plugin will be registered as a data set (dataset) that can be directly accessed by other plugins, or called a temporary table (table) . The dataset registered here can be directly accessed by other plugins by specifying plugin_input .

Task Example


This is the process of converting the data source to fake and write it to two different sinks, Detailed reference transform

env {
job.mode = "BATCH"

source {
FakeSource {
plugin_output = "fake"
row.num = 100
schema = {
fields {
id = "int"
name = "string"
age = "int"
c_timestamp = "timestamp"
c_date = "date"
c_map = "map<string, string>"
c_array = "array<int>"
c_decimal = "decimal(30, 8)"
c_row = {
c_row = {
c_int = int

transform {
Sql {
plugin_input = "fake"
plugin_output = "fake1"
# the query table name must same as field 'plugin_input'
query = "select id, regexp_replace(name, '.+', 'b') as name, age+1 as age, pi() as pi, c_timestamp, c_date, c_map, c_array, c_decimal, c_row from dual"
# The SQL transform support base function and criteria operation
# But the complex SQL unsupported yet, include: multi source table/rows JOIN and AGGREGATE operation and the like

sink {
Console {
plugin_input = "fake1"
Console {
plugin_input = "fake"