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Version: 2.3.9

Protobuf Format

Protobuf (Protocol Buffers) is a language-neutral, platform-independent data serialization format developed by Google. It provides an efficient way to encode structured data and supports multiple programming languages and platforms.

Currently, Protobuf format can be used with Kafka.

Kafka Usage Example

  • Example of simulating a randomly generated data source and writing it to Kafka in Protobuf format
env {
parallelism = 1
job.mode = "BATCH"

source {
FakeSource {
parallelism = 1
plugin_output = "fake"
row.num = 16
schema = {
fields {
c_int32 = int
c_int64 = long
c_float = float
c_double = double
c_bool = boolean
c_string = string
c_bytes = bytes

Address {
city = string
state = string
street = string
attributes = "map<string,float>"
phone_numbers = "array<string>"

sink {
kafka {
topic = "test_protobuf_topic_fake_source"
bootstrap.servers = "kafkaCluster:9092"
format = protobuf = 60000
kafka.config = {
acks = "all" = 60000
buffer.memory = 33554432
protobuf_message_name = Person
protobuf_schema = """
syntax = "proto3";

package org.apache.seatunnel.format.protobuf;

option java_outer_classname = "ProtobufE2E";

message Person {
int32 c_int32 = 1;
int64 c_int64 = 2;
float c_float = 3;
double c_double = 4;
bool c_bool = 5;
string c_string = 6;
bytes c_bytes = 7;

message Address {
string street = 1;
string city = 2;
string state = 3;
string zip = 4;

Address address = 8;

map<string, float> attributes = 9;

repeated string phone_numbers = 10;
  • Example of reading data from Kafka in Protobuf format and printing it to the console
env {
parallelism = 1
job.mode = "BATCH"

source {
Kafka {
topic = "test_protobuf_topic_fake_source"
format = protobuf
protobuf_message_name = Person
protobuf_schema = """
syntax = "proto3";

package org.apache.seatunnel.format.protobuf;

option java_outer_classname = "ProtobufE2E";

message Person {
int32 c_int32 = 1;
int64 c_int64 = 2;
float c_float = 3;
double c_double = 4;
bool c_bool = 5;
string c_string = 6;
bytes c_bytes = 7;

message Address {
string street = 1;
string city = 2;
string state = 3;
string zip = 4;

Address address = 8;

map<string, float> attributes = 9;

repeated string phone_numbers = 10;
schema = {
fields {
c_int32 = int
c_int64 = long
c_float = float
c_double = double
c_bool = boolean
c_string = string
c_bytes = bytes

Address {
city = string
state = string
street = string
attributes = "map<string,float>"
phone_numbers = "array<string>"
bootstrap.servers = "kafkaCluster:9092"
start_mode = "earliest"
plugin_output = "kafka_table"

sink {
Console {
plugin_input = "kafka_table"