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Version: 2.3.2


StarRocks sink connector


Used to send data to StarRocks. Both support streaming and batch mode. The internal implementation of StarRocks sink connector is cached and imported by stream load in batches.

Key features


nametyperequireddefault value
batch_max_bytesintno5 1024 1024
save_mode_create_templatestringnosee below

node_urls [list]

StarRocks cluster address, the format is ["fe_ip:fe_http_port", ...]

base-url [string]

The JDBC URL like jdbc:mysql://localhost:9030/ or jdbc:mysql://localhost:9030 or jdbc:mysql://localhost:9030/db

username [string]

StarRocks user username

password [string]

StarRocks user password

database [string]

The name of StarRocks database

table [string]

The name of StarRocks table, If not set, the table name will be the name of the upstream table

labelPrefix [string]

The prefix of StarRocks stream load label

batch_max_rows [long]

For batch writing, when the number of buffers reaches the number of batch_max_rows or the byte size of batch_max_bytes or the time reaches batch_interval_ms, the data will be flushed into the StarRocks

batch_max_bytes [int]

For batch writing, when the number of buffers reaches the number of batch_max_rows or the byte size of batch_max_bytes or the time reaches batch_interval_ms, the data will be flushed into the StarRocks

batch_interval_ms [int]

For batch writing, when the number of buffers reaches the number of batch_max_rows or the byte size of batch_max_bytes or the time reaches batch_interval_ms, the data will be flushed into the StarRocks

max_retries [int]

The number of retries to flush failed

retry_backoff_multiplier_ms [int]

Using as a multiplier for generating the next delay for backoff

max_retry_backoff_ms [int]

The amount of time to wait before attempting to retry a request to StarRocks

enable_upsert_delete [boolean]

Whether to enable upsert/delete, only supports PrimaryKey model.

save_mode_create_template [string]

We use templates to automatically create starrocks tables, which will create corresponding table creation statements based on the type of upstream data and schema type, and the default template can be modified according to the situation. Only work on multi-table mode at now.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${database}`.`${table_name}`
) ENGINE = OLAP DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (${rowtype_primary_key})
"replication_num" = "1"

If a custom field is filled in the template, such as adding an id field

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${database}`.`${table_name}`
) ENGINE = OLAP DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (${rowtype_primary_key})
"replication_num" = "1"

The connector will automatically obtain the corresponding type from the upstream to complete the filling, and remove the id field from rowtype_fields. This method can be used to customize the modification of field types and attributes.

You can use the following placeholders

  • database: Used to get the database in the upstream schema
  • table_name: Used to get the table name in the upstream schema
  • rowtype_fields: Used to get all the fields in the upstream schema, we will automatically map to the field description of StarRocks
  • rowtype_primary_key: Used to get the primary key in the upstream schema (maybe a list)

starrocks.config [map]

The parameter of the stream load data_desc

Supported import data formats

The supported formats include CSV and JSON. Default value: JSON


Use JSON format to import data

sink {
StarRocks {
nodeUrls = ["e2e_starRocksdb:8030"]
username = root
password = ""
database = "test"
table = "e2e_table_sink"
batch_max_rows = 10
starrocks.config = {
format = "JSON"
strip_outer_array = true

Use CSV format to import data

sink {
StarRocks {
nodeUrls = ["e2e_starRocksdb:8030"]
username = root
password = ""
database = "test"
table = "e2e_table_sink"
batch_max_rows = 10
starrocks.config = {
format = "CSV"
column_separator = "\\x01"
row_delimiter = "\\x02"

Support write cdc changelog event(INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE)

sink {
StarRocks {
nodeUrls = ["e2e_starRocksdb:8030"]
username = root
password = ""
database = "test"
table = "e2e_table_sink"

// Support upsert/delete event synchronization (enable_upsert_delete=true), only supports PrimaryKey model.
enable_upsert_delete = true


next version

  • Add StarRocks Sink Connector
  • [Improve] Change Connector Custom Config Prefix To Map 3719
  • [Feature] Support write cdc changelog event(INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) 3865